Students and Parents,
Monday 10th: South Elementary PTA fundraiser at McDonald's, 6-8 PM.
Thursday 13th: All work for term is due
Friday 14th: End of 2nd Term/Worker's Holiday (Read-a-thon)
Friday 14th: Begin learning harmonicas
Monday 17th: Martin Luther King Day (no school)
Friday 28th: Alvin Ailey Dance Performance, Heritage Theater (we will walk)
All work must be turned in by Thursday, 13th in order to participate in our Worker's Holiday. All the reading done during this Read-a-thon can be counted on the January Reading Calendar, so students, make sure you bring your reading book and maybe a pillow or blanket.
Also, this Friday I would like to start teaching the harmonica. You can buy one from me for $4.00, or you can buy one elsewhere for more (but maybe higher quality). It would be nice if students have their own, but I have some that are available to borrow (they have been sanitized).
We are studying magnets in science now, and we're learning that they are everywhere in our modern world. In social studies we are learning about the westward movement and settling of the western United States. Of course, in language arts we are working on writing 5 paragraph persuasive essays. We are struggling a bit on this, but will keep at it for the next 6 weeks until the assessment March 2.
A new spelling list will be passed out tomorrow and a test given on Friday. These words are
more math and science vocabulary.
Our art students have their art hanging at the top of the stairs at the District Office throughout January. If you pass by there, drop in and have a look.
Parents, in an effort to help students write an effective paragraph, I plan to send home a weekly assignment. Students will need to write a paragraph on a topic I give them, then they need to revise it. This paragraph needs your signature. Will you please read it and help your child re-word, re-think, etc. so that the finished product is detailed, clearly written, and with more advanced vocabulary. It doesn't need to be perfect, but hopefully, your personal help can give them the boost they need. Many state writing tests are scored lower because students use vocabulary too simple for 5th grade. A forthcoming letter will explain this better.
Thanks for your help in this. I appreciate your support! Please call or drop in if you have questions.
Mrs. Payne 586-4744
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